Why Did You Decide To Study Software Engineering?

Rianna Castro
2 min readFeb 26, 2021

My interest in coding started early in Elementary School. My favorite part of school was always “Computer Class.” I loved being on the computer. I remember being the one who wanted to make sure I knew every shortcut and every little tweak on the computer. I would go home and watch Youtube videos about how to mess around with different settings on the computer to make my computer “look cool.”

As I entered middle and high school, I started to find interest in the “how” of things.

“How does the computer show these words?” “How does a computer create a new user account?”

I was really passionate about technology and the backend of it from a young age. I specifically remember learning how to create a new user by “coding” it. Of course, I had no idea what I was typing… I just followed what Google told me to do, and it worked! I was amazed and really enjoyed the process it took to create a new user in a way that wasn’t “simple.” I knew from that point on, coding is something I genuinely enjoy.

Within the past couple years, I’ve been creating Instagram filters. I don’t know much about coding, so I spend a lot of time researching and learning how to code in order for my filter to properly work.

Software Engineering is something that has always been my main interest. Throughout the years, I have learned that coding can be challenging, but it has never stopped me from wanting to learn more to pursue my dream career of being a Software Engineer.

